Roofers in Frederick, MD



"All you need is food, clothing and a leak-free roof over your head."

Locally Owned

Serving Frederick, Carroll and Montgomery County, MD

Roofers in Frederick, MD

If you are looking for a roofer in Frederick, MD with a history in the local community, you are in the right place.

There are many roofers in Frederick, MD that are either:

a. new to the area and staying or 

b. new to the area and leaving

This is a result of the massive storm damage in 2019 and other unique weather instances that the state of Maryland has experienced that have brought many storm chasers into our area. 

This creates a potential problem for homeowners in and around Frederick, who need to work with a roofer who will be present to them in the future if necessary; someone who will be accountable for any work they perform; and someone who is not trying roofing on as a potential source of revenue, but is in fact a roofer. 

Frederick Roof Repair is a long standing business member of the community, 19 years to be exact. We do both full replacement roofs, as well as repairs. If you recognize the importance of hiring local, well established businesses, then please reach out to us. We would be more than happy to help you with any roofing needs you may have.

Stefan Mach


Actual Roofer

April, 2022

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